Thursday, September 10, 2009

Doubt and Reality

Vacation is such a funny thing. I often find a familiar theme. At the beginning and middle of the week I am fully relaxed. By the last few days, the stress of what is to come the next week hits. The reality of "there is still a lot going on in my life" hits. This morning I woke up to my mind fully churning with all that has to be done at work and the large task of raising support. As I began to feel overwhelmed, doubt crept into my mind of the ability to raise the monthly support needed to serve in the Dominican Republic. As the time ticks, the reality of what has to be done creeps in.

As I processed this today, I kind of chuckled. First, I remembered back to this summer as I woke up one morning scared to death of the possibility that we might move to the Dominican Republic and I might be doing ministry in an environment and way I knew nothing about. God was gracious to show me in Scripture the truth of what the result of doubt was versus faith.

Second, as I was reading The Complete Green Letters, I read an interesting quote from A. W. Tozer that has really challenged me in this process as I consider my doubt and ability to raise our support. In reality, God doesn't want me to raise support, He wants me to rest in Him and allow Him to be the great provider!

Here is the quote: "In our private prayers and in our public services, we are forever asking God to do things that He either has already done or cannot do because of our unbelief. We plead for Him to speak when He has already spoken and is at that very moment speaking. We ask Him to come when He is already present and waiting for us to recognize Him. We beg the Holy Spirit to fill us while all the time we are preventing Him by our doubts."

Today and every day, let us trust fully in Him and allow Him to live through us. May our doubts cease as we die to ourselves and live in faith knowing full well that the God of this universe is our Life!

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